
How To Set Sprinkler System

All besides often, homeowners invest in peak-notch sprinkler systems and timers – simply never quite learn how to program the irrigation controller effectively. As a result, wasted h2o and other issues can abound. A primary benefit of using a best-in-class sprinkler arrangement controller is creating a watering schedule that keeps your plants and k looking great. And do it without wasting exorbitant amounts of water. In this day and age, water conservation is a legitimate business organisation; non to mention that over-watering plants are a surefire way to impairment them.

Controller Programming Basics

Before delving into the intricacies of programming a sprinkler system timer, familiarize yourself with controller basics. Whether you've owned your timer for a while, or if you've simply purchased one, it never hurts to acquire everything from the beginning. That way, you create a sound foundation from which to base the rest of your sprinkler system programming. Learn the basic components and before tackling involved bug to go on confusion at bay.

So, y'all own a sprinkler system controller. That's a great first step, merely there'due south even so plenty to learn. We'll brainstorm past learning most the bones terms and features that are associated with modernistic sprinkler organization timers.

The paradigm beneath shows the Hunter X-Core 6 Station Indoor Controller which features Solar Sync compatibility. A Solar Sync improver turns it into a smart controller which can use local weather conditions to change irrigation schedules equally needed automatically.

Important Terminology To Know


This is probably the simplest thing to larn. A valve is the office of the sprinkler system that receives signals from the timer. Those signals prompt the valve to open up, letting water menstruation. A sprinkler organization timer works past telling these valves when to open up and operate. Information technology is important to familiarize yourself with the location of each valve on your belongings. And map out the types of plants and leaf that be around each one. For the best results, yous should draw a map that outlines where each valve in your sprinkler organization is located.


The term "station" refers to the valves that are existence controlled. In most situations, ane station will stand for to ane valve; notwithstanding, for very large backdrop a station could control two or more than valves in a given zone. Since most properties take 1 valve per zone you tin think of the station on a time as the same affair as a zone or valve in a certain surface area of their property. You can as well add more zones to your irrigation system with a sprinkler system expansion module. When programming a sprinkler system timer, you are commonly going to accept to specify which stations to activate. This is convenient, of form, since certain stations crave more watering than others – and some crave a lot less.

The image below shows the Irritrol Rain Dial 6 Station Indoor/Outdoor Controller. This irrigation station can automatically reschedule watering schedules based on your local weather condition.


While the region that gets watered is typically called a "station" on a timer, well-nigh landscaping guides will refer to the actual area that's receiving the water as the "zone." For instance, a blossom bed might be one zone, a large expanse of backyard might be another. When mapping out your yard and pinpointing its valves it is smart to break things upwards into zones. This will simplify the process of programming your timer since you'll have a clear visual idea most the zones that each valve waters.


Most timers have three programs available. These programs hold the actual settings that control when and how long each station operates. You might set programme A, for instance, to water but the flowerbed areas and accept them watered twice a day. Program B might be used to water but the backyard areas two or three days a week. Program C could be used to water plants or shrubs with a drip system if yous have one, a couple of times per week.

Typical Timer/Controller Features

The next stride in programming a sprinkler system timer is learning all about its basic features. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the following terms before attempting to programme your sprinkler system timer. Don't forget to refer to your sprinkler system controller manual to make sure that there aren't whatsoever unusual features.

The prototype below shows a Hunter Pro-C 4 Station Indoor Modular Controller, available on

This image shows a Hunter Pro-C Modular 4 Station Indoor Irrigation Controller.

The Hunter PC-300 Controllers are some of the most popular models for their ease of employ and dependability. They work so well that some parts may wear out over time. This is why Hunter makes a replacement forepart console so you don't need to replace the entire unit when the elements accept deteriorated the front panel.

Get-go Time

The start time feature on a sprinkler system controller allows you to specify a fourth dimension of day for a Programme (A, B, or C) to start. Once it starts, it volition brainstorm irrigating the stations or zones that are associated with information technology. In one case information technology works its style through all the stations or zones in the program, the controller stops watering.

Run Fourth dimension

This is sometimes chosen "Station Duration." Information technology is the fourth dimension, in minutes, that a valve remains open. If you fix a run time for fifteen minutes, then, the valve that information technology controls will remain open and water a zone for that length of time.


When "run" is enabled, your scheduled programs will run as planned. Every bit long as you have everything programmed to your liking, then, you're usually going to want to accept "run" enabled.


If you demand to prevent your programs from running, yous're going to want to toggle over to "off" or "stop." There are many different reasons that yous might want to do this; for instance, you may want to finish programs while you are programming your sprinkler system timer. Many people go on their systems on "off" during the winter months, too.


From time to time, a zone may require supplemental watering. In that instance, the semi-auto function is very convenient. This function allows y'all to run a specific program – A, B or C – whenever you want. For example, if your expanse has been having unusually dry or hot weather, you may want to use supplemental watering to keep everything healthy.


This button lets you run a specific valve for whatever length of time yous want. Also, on controllers that exercise non have a Semi-Automobile button, this is used to manually plough on a zone or run a program (depending on the model controller) to water an area of the property if it looks a little dry. It is used to temporarily water the holding at volition without reprogramming the controller. It can too be used to spot-check an irrigation system while performing repairs or during a spring checkup (looking for broken heads, misaligned heads, or other problems) of the sprinkler system.

Getting Started

Before you begin programming your sprinkler system timer and set upwardly various programs for different zones, y'all're going to demand to make sure that your controller is set upward properly. The most of import part of doing that is ensuring that the current day and time are correct and accurate. Nothing tin can throw a kink in the works quite like having the incorrect day, date and time set up on your timer, so take care to exist as accurate as possible. It's never a bad thought to periodically check your controller to ensure that information technology's nevertheless set to the correct time, too.

Entering A Program

Now that you accept the correct 24-hour interval and time configured, it's time to enter a programme.

Close-up of programming of Irrigation Controller
  1. Select the Programme (A, B, or C) y'all want to plan. For each plan, you will need to fix the Water Schedule or "Days To Water", Showtime Time, and Station Run Times.
  2. Select the "schedule" function (Days To Water). Use information technology to select the specific days that you want the irrigation to run. An case would be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. In some cases, you'll need to specify the number of days betwixt waterings.
  3. Select "start-time" and specify the time that you'd like the irrigation to begin. An example would be 5:45 am. If you lot have newly planted flowers, you may want to water a second fourth dimension on the same twenty-four hours since the root zone may get dry by late afternoon. If you desire to schedule the 2nd beginning time at say 4:00 pm. Just retrieve that the 2nd commencement time is for the Program you lot are setting up so all the zones yous are watering on this Programme will exist watered a 2d time.
  4. Select the "run time" or related role. Select the station of your choice and enter the run time for that valve. Continue selecting stations and entering run times until you lot take entered a run time for all the stations you will be watering on this Plan. Important: practice not set up a run time for the stations that volition not be watered using this Program. A full general dominion to follow if you have no idea how many minutes to water per station, you can beginning with the following times and either increment the time if you lot come across you lot are non getting plenty water or subtract the time if you see you are applying too much h2o:
    • 3 – 10 minutes for spray head zones
    • 20 – 40 minutes for rotor caput zones
  5. Programme setup is complete in one case you have entered in the H2o Schedule or "Days To Water", Start Time, and Station Run Times.

Additional Programs

To ready boosted programs select a Program (A, B, or C) other than the one you simply gear up using the steps above. Repeat the steps listed above for each Programme you lot want to run. Y'all will want to set the Station Run Times to zero for the stations you already have running on another Program (A, B, or C). Only add Station Run Times for the stations you want to water using the Program you are setting up.

Please note that different sprinkler system timers have different controls and features. Some utilise dials, while others are 100% digital. Make sure to read through the specific instructions that have been outlined by the manufacturer.

What Is A Seasonal Arrange Push?

Some late-model sprinkler system timers accept seasonal suit buttons. These buttons offer a user-friendly solution to unseasonable weather patterns past allowing you to make beyond-the-board adjustments to watering programs on a percentage-based basis. During the summer, for instance, virtually people go along their seasonal adjust buttons fix at 100% for lxxx-degree days. When the temperature shoots upward to 90 degrees, the seasonal adjust push button tin exist switched to 120%. In turn, run times will be lengthened by 20%. This saves y'all from the tedious hassle of having to reprogram everything – simply to switch it all dorsum a few days subsequently. If your arrangement has this feature, exist certain to acquire it and put it to skilful use when needed.

Sympathize What Different Sprinkler Heads Practise

Different sprinkler heads are suitable for dissimilar purposes. When you empathise what each type is best suited for, y'all'll exist able to program your sprinkler organization timer more efficiently.

Rotor Heads

When yous need to h2o big expanses rotor heads are the best option. They have a much lower awarding rate than spray heads do. Rotors are used to save labor on installation since they encompass a larger expanse than spray heads so you can space them out much farther apart. They are too a meliorate pick for sloped areas or areas that are made up of clay soils since they use water at a slower rate and thus assistance prevent h2o runoff.

Irrgiation Rotor Head

Spray Heads

These sprinkler heads dispense high volumes of water in brusque periods of time. They are all-time suited for flat, even areas; practice not employ them on slopes. They are also suitable for small, hard-to-accomplish areas of backyard, and they are practical to use in areas where yous'd like to avoid spraying a house, cars or the street.

Irrgiation Spray Head

Drip Systems

A drip system consists of a series of tubes that accept small-scale holes in them. These holes manipulate minor amounts of water to specific areas. This helps promote water conservation. Drip systems are best suited for flowerbeds, shrubs, and groups of cacti since private root systems can exist targeted with ease.

Programming a Sprinkler Organization Timer for Efficiency

You may know the nuts about inbound programs and setting up a sprinkler system controller, only that doesn't hateful that you know how to use one efficiently. The following tips, tricks, and advice can help you brand the most out of your sprinkler arrangement timer.

Group Programs For Maximum Efficiency

Once you've mapped out the locations of all of the valves in your yard, you'll exist able to devise a sensible programming scheme. You should employ one program to handle the needs of your lawn; it should control all of the valves that irrigate areas consisting primarily of grass. Another program should be to irrigate sections of flowerbeds or footing embrace. Another program should be used for drip systems.

Example of irrigation rain/weather detectors

Invest In An Automated Rain Shut-Off Device

Some sprinkler systems come with automated pelting close-off sensors included. If yours doesn't, be certain to invest in 1 correct away. These handy devices tin can exist programmed to turn off your regularly scheduled programs whenever a specific amount of rain has fallen. Most people fix these devices to kicking in whenever one-half an inch or more of rain has fallen. Subsequently all, it hardly makes sense to water your belongings when enough of rain has recently fallen. This is a dandy way to avert wasting valuable water and to reduce your water bill.

Water Early In The Forenoon

While you take full control over the times of day that each program runs, it is most ever all-time to perform irrigation during the early morning hours. During the middle of the day, the wind can carry off water droplets or the blazing sun can evaporate a lot of the water that is produced by your sprinkler system; in plow, the plants that it's intended for don't receive well-nigh equally much of it. Wind can also significantly disrupt the spray design of the sprinklers causing wet and dry out spots.

If yous water during the early morning time, y'all'll be able to use a lot less h2o, which is some other smart style to reduce your h2o bills and help the environment. Furthermore, watering at dark promotes plant illness and fungus growth.

Avoid Overwatering

If you think that information technology's impossible to over-water plants, think once more. Over-watering tin be just as detrimental to plants every bit under-watering. By programming your sprinkler organisation controller the right way, you can provide the exact right amount of wet for the diverse plants on your property without inadvertently over-watering them. The key thing to avoid is creating water run-off; if you see it happening, you know that y'all're overdoing it.

Get The Almost Out Of Your Sprinkler Organisation Timer

As you can come across, programming a sprinkler system controller doesn't have to be a mind-boggling experience. Past learning virtually the style that your system is fix upwards, familiarizing yourself with its valves, learning about the unlike types of sprinkler heads that are involved, and understanding the needs of different types of plants, you tin can achieve a suitable and sensible irrigation schedule with a minimal amount of hassle. Y'all tin also extend the capabilities of your irrigation controller with an expansion module.

The image below shows the Rain Bird ESP4Me half-dozen Station Expansion Module which can add half-dozen additional zones to your irrigation system.

For more specific calculations yous can perform to determine the optimum watering frequency for your arrangement, visit the related links below.


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