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This wikiHow teaches y'all how to install and set upwardly a Tekkit server for Minecraft on your Windows computer. Tekkit is a custom host which enables mods, thus allowing you to enjoy mods with other players. Unfortunately, Tekkit is merely bachelor for Windows users, and it cannot be used in conjunction with the Windows 10 version of Minecraft.

Things You Should Know

  • Make sure you have the latest version of Microsoft and Java before downloading and installing Tekkit.
  • Open your router's page online and create a new port forwarding dominion that allows others to join your server.
  • Find your calculator's IP address to set up the new server, and add other players to your server by giving them your public IP address.
  1. 1

    Make sure that you have the latest version of both Minecraft and Java. The easiest way to do this for Minecraft is by double-clicking the Minecraft launcher and waiting for it to update itself if necessary. For Java, open up Cyberspace Explorer, go to, click Agree and Go along, and follow any on-screen prompts.

    • If nothing happens, your Java is up-to-date.
    • Since most modernistic browsers don't support Coffee, using Internet Explorer is the all-time way to ensure you don't run into any errors.
  2. two

    Install the Java Development Kit if you lot don't have it. The Coffee Development Kit (JDK) is necessary both to run Tekkit'due south launch file and to use Minecraft Forge later:

    • Open the JDK website
    • Bank check the "Accept License Agreement" box in the "Java SE Development Kit 8u171" department.
    • Click the jdk-8u171-windows-x64.exe link to the right of the "Windows x64" heading.
    • Double-click the downloaded Java file, then follow the on-screen setup instructions.


  3. 3

  4. iv

    Click Server Download . It's a blue push in the lower-right side of the folio.

  5. v

    Extract the server folder. Right-click the Tekkit Zippo folder, click Excerpt All... in the resulting drop-down card, and click Extract at the lesser of the pop-up window.

  6. 6

    Change Tekkit'due south available RAM. You can change Tekkit's memory allocation by doing the post-obit:

    • Right-click the launch file.
    • Click Edit in the drop-downwardly menu.
    • Review the "-Xmx[number]K -Xms[number]G" values:
      • The first number refers to the maximum number of gigabytes of RAM your server volition utilize.
      • The 2d number refers to the minimum RAM your server will utilise.
    • Lower or heighten the numbers to reflect your reckoner's specifications if necessary.
  7. 7

    Run the Tekkit installation. Double-click the launch file to do so. This will open a Command Prompt window in which Tekkit will begin running your server and unpacking its necessary files.

    • You will have to click Allow access if prompted by Windows Firewall to allow the programme.
  8. 8

    Wait for the Command Prompt window to finish loading information. Once your Command Prompt window finishes loading information, y'all're gratuitous to proceed with the next part of the setup procedure.

    • You can close the server by typing in end and pressing Enter .


  1. i

    Find your computer'southward local IP accost. Become to in your computer's spider web browser, and so look at the number to the correct of the "Your Local IP is:" heading.

  2. 2

    Find your router'southward local IP address. You'll need this in lodge to open up your router's page:

    • Open Outset
    • Open Settings
    • Click Network & Net
    • Click View your network properties about the bottom of the page.
    • Ringlet down to the "Wi-Fi" section, then look at the number next to the "Default gateway" heading.
  3. 3

    Open up your router's page. Open a web browser, then enter the "Default gateway" accost in your browser's address bar.

  4. 4

    Log into your router if prompted. If you're greeted with a login folio, enter your router's username and password earlier proceeding.

    • You may also be prompted to log in upon opening the Port Forwarding section.
  5. 5

    Detect the "Port Forwarding" section and open up it. You may accept to wait for a Settings or Avant-garde Settings section first.

    • Since all routers have slightly dissimilar pages, you lot may want to consult your router'due south manual for specific instructions.
  6. 6

    Create a new port forwarding rule. Enter your calculator's local IP address in the "IP" or "Rule" text box.

  7. 7

    Set the protocol to TCP. Click the "UDP" drop-downward card, so click TCP.

    • In some cases, you'll check the box next to "TCP" instead.
    • If your rule already has "TCP" next to it, skip this step.
  8. 8

    Ready the entry and exit ports as 25565. Blazon 25565 into each of the "Port" text boxes.

  9. 9

    Relieve and utilise the rule. Curl down and click Salvage or utilise, and then await for the page to refresh. At this point, your Minecraft port should be forwarded, allowing others to join your server.

    • Your router may reboot itself afterward you set up this rule.


  1. 1

    Notice your reckoner's public IP address. Go to in your estimator'south web browser, and then look at the number to the correct of the "Your Public IPv4 is:" heading.

  2. two

    Make sure Tekkit is running. If y'all airtight the Tekkit Command Prompt window, double-click the launch file once again to launch your server, then wait for it to stop booting upwardly before proceeding.

  3. 3

    Open up Minecraft. Double-click the Minecraft launcher app icon, which resembles a cake of grassy dirt, then click PLAY at the bottom of the launcher window.

  4. iv

    Click Multiplayer . It's in the heart of the Minecraft window.

  5. 5

    Click Add together Server . You'll find it at the bottom of the window.

  6. half dozen

    Enter a server proper noun. In the "Server Name" text box, blazon in the name you want to add to your server.

  7. 7

    Set your computer as the server address. Blazon localhost into the "Server Accost" text box.

  8. viii

    Click Done . It's at the lesser of the window. This will save your server and attempt to connect to it.

  9. nine

    Add players to your server. Once you lot've created your server, you can invite other people to your server past giving them your public IP accost and having them do the following:

    • Open Minecraft and click Multiplayer
    • Click Add Server
    • Enter your server's name into the "Server Name" text box.
    • Enter your public IP accost into the "Server Address" text box.
    • Click Washed, then select the server and click Join Server
  10. 10

    Add mods to your server. If y'all have whatever mods you've downloaded, you lot can add together them to your server past default by placing their extracted JAR files in the "mods" folder which is inside the Tekkit Server binder.

    • Adding multiple mods at in one case may cause your server to get unstable.


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  • Question

    How do I play on the server you just fabricated?

    Community Answer

    Open tekkit. Click multiplayer. Go to "add server." Enter the numbers you lot copied. Click "connect." To avert lag, do non use the aforementioned reckoner to play every bit yous are using for hosting.

  • Question

    Whenever I effort to open the file, Windows says it cant open the file. How can I fix this?

    Community Answer

    Right click the file, and select 'open with,' and so scan the listing of programs until yous reach Notepad. Information technology should open with Notepad.

  • Question

    How practice I set the server to run on a globe I accept already created?

    Community Answer

    In that location should exist a file named "World." Y'all demand to delete it, drag in the earth you want to use, and rename information technology to "World."

  • Question

    What is the IP if I'one thousand non using Hamachi?

    Community Answer

    You'll take to do some port forwarding. To notice your figurer's IP address, open your control prompt, type in "ipconfig /all" and it'll show you lot a bunch of stuff, it should be almost the summit.

  • Question

    If the server backdrop file isn't there, what do I practice?

    Community Answer

    Launch the server first, and information technology should pop upward in the folder where the server is located.

  • Question

    What exercise I practise if my Tekkit server isn't showing upwards when I type in both my IP and local IP address?

    Community Answer

    That virtually likely means the server isn't running. Cheque to make sure there were no errors when starting it.

  • Question

    What do I exercise if I put up my Tekkit server but no ane can connect to it?

    Community Answer

    If yous are the only 1 who can connect, that ways that your firewall is blocking your friends, you tin can just turn off your firewall or allowing your port.

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